Livestock “Pass-On” Projects—multiplying impact!

“Piggie-pass-on” is a new project though we’ve been breeding pigs for several years. Our female piglets were distributed into the community to selected families. When the piglet grows and has a litter, the first requirement is for a female piglet to be “passed-on” to another needy family, monitored by our staff, releasing the beneficiary from the obligation to our project. They’re then free to hold other offspring for breeding (developing a business), growing on for food, or selling to fund basic needs within the household.
Each piglet is an invaluable asset, so good care is an investment, and their provision is helping each family to step away from poverty, while multiplying benefits in the community.
Last month, we also expanded our chicken project by another 30 households, giving training in best care, then 2 hens and 1 cockerel to each, as a “pass-on” project. When the hens lay, 2 hen chicks & 1 young cockerel are passed to another vulnerable family. The pattern is repeated, gradually empowering many villagers to have access to eggs, meat, and the option to create income by selling surplus stock.