Serving the most vulnerable in rural Malawi

Malawi is regarded as one of the poorest countries in the world; in the remote regions, there’s acute poverty, widespread hunger and malnutrition.

Aid Africa, a small UK charity, powerfully impacts Malawi’s rural areas by running an integrated group of projects, each tailored to local need, designed to empower communities and help individuals in our target group: orphans, the elderly, those living with disabilities and the AIDS-affected.

Our Mission


food and shelther to the frailest


safe water, education, and training to empower communities


self-sustainability over dependency

Our focus this month...

Viva cassava!

Hunger is widespread and will be all year if we don’t plant crops now.  The annual rains have begun and the ground’s moist, so it’s the ideal time to plant, but many can’t afford the seeds. 

So we’re helping all we can….. 

Our veg programme is already flourishing because we’ve provided training and watering cans to help irrigation but we also need to help the community plant some bulk carb.  So we’re promoting cassava. 

Cassava is a versatile root vegetable, durable, drought resistant and doesn’t need expensive fertilizer.  It produces root tubers which can be used in many ways—cooked as a vegetable, dried for future use, or milled to form the traditionally popular “nsima” the porridge-like staple diet—and the leaves are edible and nutritious too! 

Would you like to help with this invaluable “seed” project and change lives?  £3.50 would supply a bundle of cassava stems to a hard-working vulnerable family—see above—cut to provide about 50 plants right now, but after harvest, would again be sectioned into segments multiplying the crop next time.

A great and ever-growing investment into continued food supply! 

Any amount towards this project is welcome and greatly appreciated...
and would you urgently consider setting up a monthly Standing Order to partner with us?

See our Donations Page (via "donate now" button) for more info.... or if you're more comfortable sending a cheque, please make it payable to "Aid Africa" and send to P.O.Box 103, Fakenham, NR21 1BF.

Many thanks! 

Previously:-                                "Thank you for making Christmas special!"

It’s tough in Malawi right now and getting worse by the day.

Most of the frail in the remote rural areas are desperately hungry, with everything focused on food, many other essentials are neglected as luxuries—including soap! If you can’t afford to buy food, you certainly can’t afford soap, leading to poor hygiene, and multiple health risks.

So we set about asking for help to fund Christmas gifts of soap & soya for hundreds of vulnerable families at risk.

As a result, by early in the New Year, 500 families will have received bars of skin and laundry soap, along with packs of prepared soya pieces which make about 10 protein-rich meals.  

On Christmas Eve, the first families were thrilled to receive their gifts - see above - and they’ll be followed by hundreds more as we’re able to get funds and goods into place despite the severe fuel shortage inhibiting transport.

Thank you for helping make Christmas - and beyond - really special for some of the poorest on the planet.

Would you like to help further? 
 Just a little is life-transforming—click “donate now” for ways to give. 

Thank you for your help…. 

Our Projects

A variety of programmes, each a response to local challenges, together serving thousands.